RARE German Ign Rechenmacher In Weimar Percussion Rifle
- Product Code: 1IGN
- Availability: Out Of Stock
This is a stunning unique flintlock circa 1780 which we believe has later been converted to percussion. Hand made with a dove-tailed brass blade fore-sight, brass standing-notch rear-sight and a plain flat lock and pointed tail maker marked 'IGN: RECHENMACHER IN WEIMAR' It features a beautiful walnut full-stock with foliate-edged carved chequered panel at the wrist and a sliding wood patch-box in the butt, the lid of which is carved with the face of a mythical bearded gentleman. The raised cheek-piece is adorned with carved floral accents, and the ramrod throat is carved with a lion with matching bone fore-end cap and bone mounted wooden ramrod. Having a massive rifled 16 bore barrel, this gun would have been used by wealthy gentry in the Black Forest region for hunting large game such as wild boar and deer, the precise hair trigger allowing for a very accurate shot.