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Deactivated US Military M20 A1 B1 3.5inch Rocket Launcher (Super Bazooka) With Inert Rocket

Deactivated US Military M20 A1 B1 3.5inch Rocket Launcher (Super Bazooka) With Inert Rocket

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Product Information

A United States military M20 A1 B1 3.5inch Rocket Launcher (Super Bazooka). Manufactured by Birtman Electric Company for the US military, the M20 was a larger and more powerful version of the 2.85" 'Bazooka' rocket launcher, nicknamed the 'Super Bazooka'. Developed toward the end of WW2 it fires solid fuel powered rockets with shaped charge (HEAT) rockets to penetrate armoured vehicles and tanks. Constructed in two parts from aluminum it is light weight and very portable. It saw active service in Korea and in the early part of the Vietnam war. This example would be an ideal display piece and comes with a hard to find inert projectile/rocket. The nose cap of the rocket can be inserted at the muzzle end for visual effect only. The eye piece is clear with illuminated ranging display.

Deactivated with a working trigger and safety selector it can be dry fired. Comes with an original canvas sling.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: BAZ20


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