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Deactivated Plated Crucero .38 Revolver

Deactivated Plated Crucero .38 Revolver

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Product Information

A very impressive Spanish made Crucero .38 revolver. Produced during the 1920s and 30s, these revolvers are more or less a direct copy of the Colt's and Smith & Wesson's of the same period. They were used during the Spanish Civil War and WWII. This revolver would have most likely been plated at the request of an individual who was of importance, such as a chief of police or someone of greater social standing. For example a wealthy land owner or businessman. Deactivated with a working action it can be cocked, stripped and dry fired.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: DEAA5


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