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Deactivated WWI Webley MK6 .455 Revolver

Deactivated WWI Webley MK6 .455 Revolver

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Product Information

This is a First World War dated British officers Webley MK6 .455 revolver. This example has matching numbers and is dated 1916 but also has 1915 acceptence stamps. The pistol grips has faint regiment markings that look to read as "8 R.F.A. 2.17" = 8th Royal Field Artillery February 1917. The lower section of the pistol has been modified with the addition of chequering for added grip. This would have been done post WW1. The hammer is from an earlier model Webley, a MK2 or 3, that were also in use during the Great War. The painted Surcorite finish is indicative of British weapons that were re-issued during WWII. The British army used this hard wearing enamel paint as a quick and easy way to refurbish metal parts.

The MK6 is synonyms with the British officer as he led his men over the top with a Webley is one hand and whistle in the other. During the Great War a British officer had to purchase is weapon and kit. The trusty MK6 being the sidearm of choice by the majority of officers. Now becoming increasing hard to find.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: 15WC5


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