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Deactivated PO8 Luger

Deactivated PO8 Luger

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Product Information

This is a Nazi marked PO8 Luger. The toggle is marked 42 (Mauser) who only used this secret coding during WWII production. However, the various markings and finish would strongly suggest that this Luger was originally of WWI vintage and was fielded again during the latter stages of WWII. During this period of the war all available weaponry was put into service. Hitler had decreed that all able-bodied Germans were to be armed to defend the country from the threat of Allied forces invading. Men, woman and children were armed with whatever was available. Of considerable contextual interest, we recently reworked a similar WW1 dated Luger which was brought back after WWII by the customer's father, who had captured it from a deceased German child who had been armed with it during the latter stages of WWII. 

Deactivated with moving parts it comes with an EU/UK certificate of deactivation.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: 340U5


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