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Deactivated Very Rare WWII Nazi Mle 1935A Pistol

Deactivated Very Rare WWII Nazi Mle 1935A Pistol

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Product Information

A very rare WWII Nazi issued French M1935A pistol. When Nazi German invaded France in 1940 it took control of French weapons companies, utilizing the captured weapons to supply its own forces. Weapons were given a new Nazi designation number and Waffen code. The M1935A was designated as the P.625F and assigned waffen code WaA251. Very few were made during Nazi occupation; only 23,850. They were only produced by the French company Societe Alsacienne Construcion Mechanique (S.A.C.M.). The serialization is unique to these pistols with the earliest recorded Nazi produced pistol number being around B660A. This example is from one of the very first batches and is numbered B5215A. Available with this pistol is an even rarer original holster. Named under the flap C.M.LEE with all the stitching, straps and hoops are intact (not included in the price, available separately see product code 193C4 ).

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To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: DEA76


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