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Rare Deactivated Scheintod Repetier Pistole

Rare Deactivated Scheintod Repetier Pistole

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Product Information

An extremely rare collectible German Scheintod (which means “apparent death” or “appearance of death”) Repetier Pistole. This 1920's, three-barrel, three shot pistol was chambered in a tailor-made shell propelled by a small charge of powder. The shells were loaded with a combination of red pepper and other “irritants”, and could have contained just about anything that would make your eyes burn. The idea behind its design and use was to incapacitate the assailant rather than wound or kill. This early example is serial number 208 and has the German proof stamps. It has its original finish and grips. Deactivated with a working action.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: 20R96

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