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Deactivated Very Rare WWII Nazi Kriegsmarine (German Navy) stamped SLD double barrel flare pistol

Deactivated Very Rare WWII Nazi Kriegsmarine (German Navy) stamped SLD double barrel flare pistol

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Product Information

This is a very rare WWII Nazi Kriegsmarine (German Navy) stamped SLD - Signal und Leucht Doppelschussmodel, meaning "signal and light double shot model". It was manufactured by Lieferungsgemeinschaft Westthueringische Wekzueg under secret  "eeu" in 1944 (44). Next to this marking is the Nazi Kriegsmarine (German Navy) acceptance stamp "M III/3" with the Nazi Eagle above it. The barrels are correctly stamped with a number 4 within a circle and Eagle below, this is the barrel proof stamp. EEU only manufactured this model from 1943 to 1944 making and estimated 6000 before production ceased. The vast majority were lost at sea, having been issued to the German naval fleet including U-boat crews.

This example still retains much of its original wartime anodised finish with matching numbers. It has clear evidence of extensive service use.

Deactivated with a working action it can be cocked, stripped and dry fired. The barrel fire selector and safety are both operate as well.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: 1SLW6


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